Performance Management - GPS Style

Annabelle Bishop

Performance management is like a GPS for your managing your team…I know right a GPS, okay but stay with me on this one…

A clear performance management process helps you get where you want to go and stay on track! Just like with using a GPS, you still need to make sure you're following the right laws and regulations so you don't get lost. In Australia, that means making sure your performance management process is compliant with Fair Work Australia. Here's how to do it in a fun and easy way!

  1. Make the rules clear and simple

    Just like a GPS, you need to know where you're going and how to get there. Start with a conversation with your team members that outlines the performance expectations, the process, and the consequences of not reaching their goals. Make it simple and straightforward so everyone knows what's expected of them.

  2. Set the right expectations

    When using a GPS, you need to set the right destination, or you'll end up in the wrong place! The same goes for performance management. Make sure you're communicating your expectations clearly to your employees so they know what they're working towards. Set realistic performance targets, provide regular feedback, and offer support and training to help your employees get there.

  3. Keep the feedback coming

    Just like a GPS, you need to keep updating your route as you go. Regular feedback is essential in performance management, so make sure you're providing constructive feedback on a regular basis. This helps keep your employees on track and identifies areas for improvement.

  4. Offer a pit stop

    A pit stop can make all the difference in a road trip, and the same goes for performance management. Offer your employees support and development opportunities so they can refuel and continue on their journey. This includes offering training, coaching, and mentoring programs, and providing access to resources and tools to help them achieve their goals.

  5. Measure progress objectively

    Just like a GPS measures your progress by distance and time, performance management should use objective measures to evaluate an employee's progress. Use a combination of quantitative and qualitative data, such as performance feedback through 360 surveys, customer feedback, and outputs achieved. This helps to ensure that your employees are on the right track.

  6. Handle performance concerns with fairness

    If an employee is veering off course, it's essential to handle the situation fairly. Provide constructive feedback and give the employee an opportunity to improve. If the performance doesn't improve, consider disciplinary action in line with your policies and procedures. But just like with a GPS, sometimes you need to take a detour to get back on track!

    Performance management is like a GPS for managing your teams performance. By following these steps, you can make sure your performance management process is fair, transparent, and effective - and have a blast while you're at it!

Need help with managing your performance management processes for your team? Book your free consult today.


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